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Arkansas cyclists will have a new race opportunity on their calendar this summer. But the Arkansas High Country Race is only for those crazy enough to ride 1,000 miles of hills, ridges, and hollers – alone.
The Race will begin at daybreak on June 8 at the Clinton Presidential Park Bridge in Little Rock.
“This is a solo, self-supported race,” states Chuck Campbell, the race director. This means that riders must carry all the gear and supplies they will need or else buy what they need along the way. According to Campbell, “Racers are not allowed to have a support crew. They have to be ready to take care of themselves.”
The new route will officially be released by the Adventure Cycling Association in May. The Arkansas Parks and Recreation Foundation provided a $100,000 grant to aid in the project. Riders will be able to purchase waterproof maps and/or digital versions for phones and GPS units. Both versions will detail locations of stores, restaurants, campgrounds, bike shops and much more. Go to to learn about Adventure Cycling.
Just an idea of the course:
The host organization for the race is the River Valley Ozark Off-Road Cyclist club of Russellville. There will be no entry fee, but racers will be able to make a donation to the club. The club is also seeking sponsors for the race.
Friends and family will be able to follow the progress of the racers on
For cyclists who do not want to race, they can ride at a touring pace and see the sites of Arkansas’ high country. In the Ouachitas, riders will see Hot Springs, Little Missouri Falls, and Rich Mountain. Cyclists will climb Mount Magazine and ride below Dardanelle Rock while crossing the River Valley. In the Ozarks, the route will pass the Arkansas Sphynx, Mulberry River, White Rock Mountain, and the Buffalo National River. The 1,037-mile main route will feature over 79,000 feet of climbing.
If you would like more information about the ArHC Race:
Please check out the Rules and Risk Management Page
If you’re interested in supporting the race, go to our Be a Sponsor Page
Contact the race director, Chuck Campbell at
find us on Facebook at
These photos were taken along the course: