Arkansas Outside is NOT the owner or organizer of these events (unless otherwise noted). We aggregate these events into this one place to allow our readers a chance to see what outdoor recreation events are going on around the state. There is no need for FOMO when playing outside.
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We’ll see you on the trail.
Come SPLASH with us this June 1, 2024! (NEW DAY AND TIME)
Kids aged 5-14 will participate in the Swim/Run event. Age is based on Race Day Age.
It will be a fun morning full of swimming and running, snow cones, music, and medals!
The 6th Annual Kid’s Splash & Dash is an event held in partnership with USA Triathlon. The mission is to provide kids a safe, fun introduction to multisport.
What’s Splash & Dash?
Splash & Dash is a USA Triathlon national series that provides a fun, safe introduction to multisport. This event is a lead up to the bigger 13th Annual Trifest for MS triathlon festival that occurs Aug. 30, 31 and Sept 1, 2024.
Splash & Dash: Kids aged 5-14 – Swim/Run
Friday – Bentonville Strider
Saturday – Melvin Ford Aquatic Center
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