Arkansas Outside is NOT the owner or organizer of these events (unless otherwise noted). We aggregate these events into this one place to allow our readers a chance to see what outdoor recreation events are going on around the state. There is no need for FOMO when playing outside.
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We’ll see you on the trail.
The Iron Mountain XC is an AMBCS (Arkansas Mountain Bike Championship Series) mountain bike race contested on the lengendary trail system of Iron Mountain which is located on DeGray Lake just outside of Caddo Valley, Arkansas. This is a USA Cycling-sanctioned race and there are categories for all ages and levels. An annual licenses is required to race in the Cat 1 & 2 category. All others can race on a one-day license. NOTE: the Novice category entry fee includes the one-day license fee which is $15.
Chip timing, event t-shirt, post-race food and beverages (adult and youth), and awards are part of this great day of racing.
Also, check out the Iron Mountain Legend trail runs on Saturday, April 20 to make it a great weekend of soft trail competition.
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