Arkansas Outside is NOT the owner or organizer of these events (unless otherwise noted). We aggregate these events into this one place to allow our readers a chance to see what outdoor recreation events are going on around the state. There is no need for FOMO when playing outside.
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We’ll see you on the trail.
Come run and/or walk the beautiful streets of downtown El Dorado, Arkansas and surrounding areas for this challenging, but fun 5K/10K! Join us for the 6th annual MusicFest 5K/10K. We are hoping for rain-free conditions and even a bigger turnout than 2023! Late registration will be 7-7:30am on Oct 5. Race will begin at 7:35 a.m. Awards ceremony will be at the Finish line at 214 N Washington close to 9:30am or when all contestants return. Awards will be given for the age groups found below. Water and snacks will be at the finish line for all participants. Race will be chip timed. Shirts are available with early registration! Come on out and enjoy a great run! Route is still pending upon local police sign off. Race Day Registration will be $40 CASH ONLY and T-Shirts will not be guaranteed. COURSE WILL NOT BE A CLOSED COURSE. Runners will be expected to follow the rules of the road!
Overall Male and Female
1st, 2nd, and 3rd for the Categories: (12 & Under), (13 – 19), (20 – 29), (30 – 39), (40 – 49), (50 – 59), (60+)
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