A lifetime of regular exercise slows down aging, study finds — ScienceDaily
A group of older people who have exercised all of their lives, were compared to a group of similarly aged adults and younger adults who do not exercise regularly. The
A group of older people who have exercised all of their lives, were compared to a group of similarly aged adults and younger adults who do not exercise regularly. The
Here at Arkansas Outside, we enjoy using apps and other technologies to set goals and document our success…and failures. We typically have some sort of Garmin or Fitbit device attached
A couple of weeks back I was unfurling my yoga mat at the back of the room when I heard a familiar name. Knowing, or trying to get to know
Playing outside can be as simple as going for a walk, riding a bike around the block or going for an easy paddle on a lake but sometimes we want
Welcome back to guest blogger, Lisa. Have you ever wondered what makes some women tick? You’ll find some answers here. At 5 a.m. Monday, I woke up. Not because the
Our goal at ArkansasOutside.com is to provide information on outdoor recreation throughout Arkansas. We specialize in participatory sports like running, cycling, paddle sports, climbing, hiking.