This form is not for yearly or one-time events. Please use this form to have a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly run or bike ride. Arkansas Outside is working to create an online list of these recurring events to help more people enjoy the outdoors in Arkansas. Once we feel we have enough to have a quality representation we will open up a page on our website to promote them. This is FREE to groups willing to organize rides and runs. Thanks for your help in populating the list. We will not post member only or closed events, no need to submit those.
51st Joe Weber Arky 100
October, 9, 2022
Sheridan Community Center
1511 S. Rose
Sheridan, AR 72150
It’s on there Jim.
Retired Rides: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. rides from Little Rock side of the Big Dam Bridge for about 25 miles. Rides move to 8:30 a.m. in the sumer.
Jim, sorry, you’re following an old link. We no longer have a form on the site for this as there wasn’t much interest by groups to add their rides.