Below is the news release concerning the public meeting tonight on the AHTD plan to widen I-30 across the Arkansas River. As a promoter of the outdoor lifestyle in Arkansas, Arkansas Outside has some serious issues with this plan. Please come to the meeting, read about alternative ideas at the bottom of this post and be informed.
LITTLE ROCK (10-16) – The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) will hold a public involvement meeting in North Little Rock to present and discuss plans to widen Interstate 30 in Little Rock and North Little Rock between Interstate 40 and Interstate 530, including the Arkansas River Bridge, as well as improvements to I-40 from JFK Boulevard to Highway 67. The 30 Crossing project is part of the department’s Connecting Arkansas Program (CAP).
The public meeting will provide an update since the Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study was completed and approved in July. During this time, the study team has further evaluated roadway, bridge and interchange concepts to widen I-30 to 10 lanes with a downtown collector/distributor system, as well as evaluated an additional alternative to widen I-30 to 8 lanes. Additional work has included initiating environmental evaluations required under the National Environmental Policy Act and identifying and analyzing ways to minimize impacts.
The meeting will be held Thursday, October 22, 2015, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at Friendly Chapel Church of the Nazarene (Gym), 116 South Pine Street in North Little Rock.
The meeting will be held in an open house format, and the public is invited to visit anytime during the scheduled hours to view displays, ask questions, and offer comments about the proposed project. For more information, contact the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department’s Connecting Arkansas Program Manager at 501-255-1519
Additional information on the project is available at
Other Ideas
If you’d like to see another idea on how to improve the traffic flow in and around Little Rock, check out the MoveArkansas blog.