An Odd Thing Happened On the Adventure Race

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We Won! Well, we came in first in our division (Advanced Co-ed). We’ll take it. This weekend Lisa and I competed in the Ozark Extreme Adventure Sprints Race at Lake Ouachita near Mt. Ida. It was short and we finished in 3 hours and 32 minutes, almost an hour ahead of second place.

Fleet Feet Little Rock

Lisa was awesome throughout the race. Pushing through a lot of slower bike riders, pushing me to run more and eagle eyeing the checkpoints. My main contribution was the pathetic attempt to keep up with her, a little bit of strategy and orienteering us close to the checkpoints that she would then find. Being colorblind sucks!

We both fell a couple of times on the bikes. Lisa fell once running, I came up with a serious cramp and busted a derailleur. It rained some and because of thunder they called off the kayak portion of the race. We ate well, got a lot of chigger bites and scratched up legs. That’s pretty much how we roll on these things. I need to work on calculating distance better for the orienteering and get my running legs back. I think we’ll do this as a series next year. It is a good workout for bigger races and helps me keep my map and compass skills up.

Bike Bentonville
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