
Arkansas State Parks Celebrates New Year with First Day Hikes

The Community Bicyclist

Arkansas State Parks will host free, guided hikes in our state parks on New Year’s Day as part of America’s State Parks First Day Hikes initiative in all 50 states. America’s State Parks First Day Hikes offer individuals and families an opportunity to begin the New Year connecting with the outdoors by taking a healthy hike on January 1, 2016 at a state park close to home.


“We are excited to host First Day Hikes as part of this national effort to get people outdoors and into our parks. First Day Hikes are a great way to start the new year with a guided hike with one of our knowledgeable interpreters, connect with your beautiful state parks and make lifetime memories,” said Arkansas State Parks Director Greg Butts.

“So many people start the year with new resolutions about improving health and fitness and seeking more authentic experiences. Our First Day Hikes offer you opportunities to put those good intentions right into action and turn goals into accomplishments on day one of 2016,” Arkansas State Parks Chief of Interpretation and Program Services Kelly Farrell said. “Whether you join one of our scheduled guided hikes, or take your own self-guided trek on our 400+ miles of trails, we hope you enjoy being part of a nationwide celebration and that you’re inspired to make visiting state parks a year-round habit.”

Fleet Feet Little Rock


Your Arkansas state parks boast a variety of beautiful settings for year-round outdoor recreation, and each First Day Hike will offer an opportunity to explore the unique natural and cultural treasures close to home. Visitors can listen to birds, breathe in the fresh air, discover wildlife tracks, and experience spectacular views and vistas.

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We will have 53 guided hikes in our Arkansas state parks that are peppered all across Arkansas right in your own backyard. Visit for a complete listing and join us New Year’s Day. We love to share in your visits to our state parks, so please connect with us on social media and use #arstateparks.

Franks Dermatology

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