Bicycling in Arkansas – 40 Years Ago – Part 6


It’s time to turn the page, or should we say guide. In the first 5 installments, we covered one side of the 1979 Arkansas State Bike Tours Map. Today, we get to the meat of the guide, maps, and information about various rides throughout the state. At the end of each article going forward will be a map of the state showing what part of the state the rides are in. The rest shows a small map with a description of the ride. Please remember, this is over 40 years old so information on some facilities and even roads may be different now. Let’s get started.

We start in Northwest Arkansas with rides A, B, C, and D.  Some interesting things of note include a mention of the “War between the States” instead of the “Civil War”. Look for the mention of Dogpatch as a highlight of a ride. A reference to the Buffalo National River as “Buffalo River National Park” and mentions of the newly opened Ozark Folk Culture Center (now the Ozark Folk Center State Park) and Blanchard Caverns. Between the Buffalo National River, Ozark Folk Center and Blanchard Caverns, various government entities were at work to improve both the recreation and economic offerings of the Ozarks in the 1970s. Private operations like Dogpatch USA were also in their heyday.


(Here are the previous installments of this series: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4, Part 5)

Here are the previous installments of this series:

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4, Part 5

Part 7

Franks Dermatology
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