(From Media Release)
Buffalo National River staff and volunteers invite the public to Boxley Valley Historic District for weekend programming this fall.
From 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM every Saturday and Sunday in October, visitors can step back in time and tour the historic Boxley Grist Mill, located just off of Highway 43 approximately 1 mile north of the Highway 21/43 intersection. The Gorgas Science Foundation, in partnership with the National Park Service, maintains and preserves the historic mill and nearby fishing cabins. The Boxley Grist Mill is open to the public only during ranger-guided tours.
In addition to mill tours, volunteers and rangers will have elk viewing information, hiking trail maps, and educational materials at multiple locations throughout Ponca and Boxley Valley.
Congestion is expected at popular trailheads like Lost Valley, Centerpoint, and Compton, so hikers and horseback riders are encouraged to arrive early in the day. Rangers and volunteers will be on duty to assist with parking and traffic control in several of these high-use areas. Elk viewers are reminded to respect private property and use designated roadside parking areas in order to keep traffic moving along Highway 43 through Boxley Valley.
These events have been made possible by the generous volunteerism of the Buffalo National River Partners, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the promotion, appreciation, preservation, and protection of the Buffalo River. Visit their website for more information at www.bnrpartners.org.
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