I really don't see the problem here. (photo courtesy of bmxmuseum.com)

Cleaning Out The Garage

The Community Bicyclist

People who play outdoors love their toys. Their stable of bikes, collection of running shoes, boats for every kind of water, “cute technical tops”, measuring devices like pedometers, gps mapping systems, cyclometers, cadence meters, etc. Toys are fun and enhance our experience. Sometimes we over do it. Sometimes we need to get rid of the old to make room for the new. Sometimes our significant other threatens deportation if we don’t get rid of some of this “crap”. Yes, they’ll use that word and yet we still love them. You still do nothing.

I really don't see the problem here. (photo courtesy of bmxmuseum.com)
I really don’t see the problem here. (photo courtesy of bmxmuseum.com)

Then it happens, you are visiting your local bike/running/outdoor shop to pick up a tube/nutritional supplement/socks/etc. and there it is. You become distracted by a shiny thing. The beauty is it’s perfection at fixing whatever issue is rolling around in the back of that closet you call a brain. It will make you faster, more comfortable, able to get out easier and stay out longer. It has won awards for ingenuity, you’ve only seen it in magazines, great reviews…or your buddy has one and you don’t. YOU MUST HAVE IT!

There are many reasons not to buy it, a lack of money, a lack of space, that knot on the back of your head that hasn’t completely healed from the last time you made a spontaneous purchase. All of those reasons pale in comparison to your need for this product. It’s okay, we’ve all been there. We can help.

Arkansas Outside has started a classified section just for you. Want to upgrade a bike but need money to buy a new one? That pair of shoes you bought online but didn’t fit right and you forgot to send back within the stated return policy deadline is taking up valuable new shoe space? You got that sweet whitewater boat thinking you were going start chasing class 4 & 5 rivers but now realize that a recreational kayak would make more sense? That beautiful new baby is cramping your style in the two-person backpacking tent that has served you well for so many years? Then sell it.

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ButtonYour old stuff could be a gateway drug to The Stoke for some other poor, unsuspecting soul. There are a lot of ways to sell your stuff online and we encourage you to use any that you are comfortable with.

Why sell it on Arkansas Outside?

  • We don’t charge for classified adds and will take none of your profits so if you just want to give it away you can.
  • It’s really cool to keep it in Arkansas, easier to sell and you may just see your old favorite out there on the trail, still making someone happy.
  • Sometimes we promote your stuff through our extensive social media network, no guarantees your ad will make it but heck, it’s free.
  • You’ll support the work of Arkansas Outside by driving more traffic to the site which could turn into more hecklers spectators at cyclocross events.
  • Recycling is really cool, you want to be cool, right?

Try to keep to outdoor oriented items please. All deals are between the seller and the buyer, we have nothing to do with it, we’re like Switzerland. We’ll probably be tweaking (not to be confused with twerking) the admin and features from time to time, let us know if you see any problems with functionality. Be respectful or you’ll wind up with that lump on the back of your head again. I’m not going to stop people from listing climbing and/or safety gear but I recommend that if you’re a buyer, beware of used equipment that you trust with your life. For example, used climbing rope is great for tying a kayak to the truck, not for making an attempt on El Capitan.

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Don’t forget about that workbench full of parts, the carbon seat post that doesn’t fit your current frame, tires you tried once but didn’t like, paddles you replaced with some sweet carbon, etc.

Send it South


Please, no commercial entities. If you want us to promote your shop or product feel free to contact us about purchasing an ad.

Congrats to Bob for being the first to post up an ad.


Arkansas Cycling & Fitness.

4 Responses

  1. “That beautiful new baby is cramping your style in the two-person backpacking tent that has served you well for so many years? Then sell it.”

    I’m looking forward to picking up a second-hand baby! Those damn things are sooo expensive new.

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