False Alarms

Hex Carbon Repair

So there we were, heading into the weekend looking at doing a sprint triathlon on Sunday morning. This would be Lisa’s first full triathlon. She has been working hard on the swimming aspect. She bought a new tri suit, Paid for membership at one of the local health clubs so she could swim more, we paid for the entry fees, heck, I even did a brick workout last week. But then we got word of Ike coming up from Texas.


Saturday morning we got an email from the race organizer that the race had been cancelled. These things happen and the police and EMT’s that would be needed for the race had other responsibilities. I know the organizer and feel confident that he will make good on our entry fees. In the meantime we are looking at a new race in Russellville in a couple of weeks. This one is a 4 to 5 mile run followed by kayaking on a lake and finishing with a 17 mile road bike ride. Should be interesting.

Of course Sunday morning was beautiful. The temperature had dropped some and the skies cleared up. So since we didn’t get to do our race Lisa came up with the idea of trail running at Pinnacle Mountain State Park. It was quite a workout and my legs are feeling it today. As I said to Lisa while climbing the mountain, “I didn’t expect to work this hard today without getting a t-shirt.”

Bike Bentonville
See also  Delta Heritage Trail Construction Making Significant Progress

2 Responses

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOE! I remember how addicted you were to neat T-shirts… remember the one for the Y football team back in grade school? You loved that shirt, but had no use for the game! We long joked about it being the most expensive shirt we ever bought for you 😉

    Your card will be late, but so were you, as I recall…

  2. And I told you “today was supposed to be a sufferfest- suck it up buttercup, and catch me if you can”
    And it was good. Yup all that Trrraining you did all for naught 🙂

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