Good thing I have 26" wheels, a 29" would have never fit in the photo.

Gee Thanks

Arkansas Cycling & Fitness.

Shortly after Lisa and I arrived at Cedar Glades Park for the Attila the Hun Mountain Bike Race yesterday, Mike Simmons of Team Spokes approached me and said he had something for us. Thinking I had left something sitting around somewhere or loaned someone something I’d forgotten about I told Mike to just put it in the back of the truck.

I’m an idiot. After the race we realized that the gang from Team Spokes had gotten together and given us a thank you card, a six pack of Fat Tire beer and a bottle of Mad Housewife wine. These folks are getting to know us a little to well.

Send it South

There is something special about people who share their experiences outdoors whether on bike, boot, boat or rope. We have noticed a special camaraderie among mountain bikers and the great vibe that Mat and Regina at Spokes Bike Shop have fostered with their team is inescapable.

As we approach Thanksgiving I am reminded to give thanks for my friends. Cyclists, runners, climbers, paddlers, hikers, you folks are the best, I look forward to covering a lot of miles of trail with you soon. Thanks for appreciating what we do.

Good thing I have 26" wheels, a 29" would have never fit in the photo.
Good thing I have 26″ wheels, a 29″ would have never fit in the photo.
Hex Carbon Repair
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