Hydrate or Die

Fleet Feet Little Rock

The weather in Arkansas is fickle. We all make jokes about how the weather turns on a dime. Last weekend the temperatures hovered just below freezing in the morning, barely warming into the 40s. I set out for my long trail run on Saturday wearing long pants and sleeves, a knit hat and gloves. On Sunday runners lined up at the start of the marathon wearing layers and hoping to get started so they could warm up quickly. Riders at the Scott-Tucker-Scott Gentleman’s ride teased each other about the “manliness” of tights under shorts, toe covers and thermal gloves. This weekend the temps were moderate , already in the 50s even in the morning hours. As I set out on my long Saturday run, instead of cold weather gear, I was wearing shorts. Spring has Sprung! I hope it stays.

Franks Dermatology


I’d like to say I Am Trail Runner. The truth is I Am Trail Runner, Speed Hiker, Walker, Tripper, Middle of  the Trail  -oops I lost the blazes and got off – Backtracker. Knowing 17 miles on the Ouachita Trail would take hours, I filled my 70 oz Osprey Pack bladder as full as I could get it adding plenty of raspberry flavor Skratch Labs and grabbing a trail mix bar, a baggie of almond heavy trail mix, an orange and a Pocket Fuel.

hydrate or die
Camelbak reminds us to Hydrate or Die.

Perhaps I started out a little dehydrated. Perhaps I didn’t realize how much difference the warmer temperature would make. Perhaps I just ran so damn slow that no amount of water would have been enough. Whatever the reason, I ran out of water at mile 11. No good. I didn’t feel thirsty though I knew I was. The depletion began to manifest in clouded thinking and cramping calves. Joe was meeting me in the parking lot at Pinnacle Mountain State Park with extra water but by then I would have gone 6 miles without water at the end of a tough run. As I got to the lot and stopped running, I could feel my legs start to wobble. It wasn’t until I saw Joe coming toward me that I kind of gave up and sat down, and not too gracefully, right beside the water fountain I was trying unsuccessfully to work. In my stupor I apparently kept pushing the button for the dog fountain and couldn’t figure it out.  Lucky for me, Joe had brought me a lifewater and was there to keep me from chugging it. And to keep me from walking into the back of that parked truck. Apparently I needed direction. Moral of the story: Hydrate or Die. Make sure you have plenty of water for what you have planned and be sure someone else knows where you are so if you stumble into the back of a truck and pass out, they’ll know where to look for you.

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