I just can’t take much more…

Angry Dave's Flying Ad

I made a huge mistake today. I left the building. It really wasn’t my fault. This meeting was scheduled earlier in the week. How was I to know that this would happen.

I should let you know that this makes more sense when you know that I work in a windowless office but much of my job consists of interacting with folks that work in the outdoors. My best days are the ones where I get to visit them and be outdoors also but that wasn’t today. Today I had a meeting in another building a few blocks away.

I stepped out of my building sometime just before 10 am. One glance at the clear blue sky and an immediate need to remove my jacket  and I knew, this was not going to go well. I made my way quickly to the meeting where we closed ourselves into a dark room so we could watch the world happen on a large projection screen. Living vicariously through the internet…

The meeting ended quickly enough and I started heading back to my office. I had the windows down in my truck, the music turned up just a bit (a little “Gatemouth” Brown, seems he was born in Louisiana and raised on the Texas side. But that’s another story.) Then I saw it…the tell-tale sign. A bright umbrella attached to a magical, gleaming chrome hot dog stand. Yes, it was Hot Dog Mike!

Now Hot Dog Mike has become somewhat of a phenomenon in Little Rock. A hot dog stand with a menu of various forms of dogs. All designed to be sloppy as hell. He lets us lucky ones know where he is through Facebook and Twitter since he moves around town a good bit. I stopped in.

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So good and messy with cheese and chili. Feel free to tell me in the comment section how I should have had kraut and mustard and relish and various other things that I could find laying around the parking lot. Or tell me how someone else’s hot dogs are better. None of that matters you see, you weren’t there at that moment. Mine was perfect. …now back to work. I was not in my office for more than a couple of minutes when my mind danced over to and out a window. I should be mountain biking, hiking, eating hot dogs!

The Community Bicyclist

The rest of the day was pure punishment. I wanted to fain sickness, concoct a meeting at a park, forge a hall pass and get the hell out of there. But I stayed. I did what needed to be done. I was a good boy.

All that to say. If you didn’t have to be inside but you stayed in anyway on a beautiful day like this, I hate you. There, I said it. The H word. I know it’s the green-eyed monster talking but really, I hate you.

How could I possibly be expected to handle school (or work) on a day like this? – Ferris Bueller


Bike Bentonville

2 Responses

  1. I felt the darkness creeping up on me today, sitting in a meeting and wondering if I was going to make it. I had the over whelming feeling to scream. Scream at my co worker, scream at my boss, and just scream at the top of my lungs. Went to the back door quickly as my short legs would take me. Out on the poarch I can finally breath again. The air seams to get low inside I am always opening my wondow and sneaking out back when no one is looking. Some times I wished I smoked to I could get out side more.

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