Little Rock Marathon

Little Rock Marathon Update

NWA Spring Classic Road Race

The “Chicks in Charge” with the Little Rock Marathon have sent a message concerning upcoming events including the Little Rock Marathon during the COVID-19 health emergency. This includes information on the Creep ‘N Crawl and the Ugly Sweater Race.

Hello Little Rock Marathon Family,
We waited to send this email thinking it would have gotten lost in the 20 million emails that went out early on in the pandemic.
How are you doing? We hope you are thriving during these unique times. We consider ourselves very fortunate to have had our race before the world shut down.
Hasn’t it been a long 3 ½ months? Did you keep training? How are your bread making skills? Toilet paper. Ya good?
During the past couple months, staff has been collaborating with others in the running industry to figure out on how to reopen and some best practices going forward. We are creating our theme for 2021 event, as well as the Creep ‘N Crawl (adding a half marathon) and the Ugly Sweater Race (still ugly in December).
We are grateful to those who participated in the Arkansas Virtual Challenge (956 participants), Movie Night at UALR (75 cars – max), and Global Running day (840 participants).  The best part of being a CIC (Chick-In-Charge) is connecting with our peeps. We’ve loved talking/emailing with many of you.  You’ve kept us focused on what is really important…it’s our participants – our family. We’ve missed the day-to-day and we are excited for the day we can welcome you to training and the next start line.
ARKANSAS’ PHASE 2: On June 15, we entered Phase 2 Re-Opening.  As all states’ version of the phases is different, here is what it means as it pertains to Arkansas: For events such Creep N Crawl, Ugly Sweater and the Little Rock Marathon, there is not specific or clear guidance on outdoor participatory sporting events. Rather, the guidelines state that gatherings of up to 50 people are allowed. Phase 2 is in effect until some future date, at which time we are hopeful that restrictions will be lessened, and larger gathering numbers will be allowed. Click here to read the latest information on large venues.
RETURN TO RACING: Even if we stay in Phase 2, we anticipate being able to resume our calendar of events, starting on August 10 with official build-up training beginning. Based on the gathering sizes that will be permitted at the first Saturday training, the following will be required:
  • Every individual who gets out of their car and runs with the group will be required to be registered for training. Individuals not signed up for training will not be allow to participate in that week’s group training.
  • No training if you are sick.
  • All will be required to sign in and out.
  • Face coverings while in the group before we take off and when you finish.
  • Social distancing at all times and while running/walking.
  • A wave start of sorts may be put into place.
  • Have to carry your own food and water.
Complete details will be given to those who are registered for training and begin the build-up schedule.
Should Arkansas still be in Phase 2 the Creep N Crawl and Ugly Sweater events will have staggered starts and/or the implementation of a wave start system, which will not differ too much from the race format you’ve always experienced in the past. Of course other safety measures will additionally be implemented, and shared publicly as race day approaches.
RETURN TO RACE SPECIFIC EMAILS AND PROMOTIONS: Given the uncertainty of this time, we paused any emails and promotions regarding an actual (live) event. We plan to go full steam ahead with our plans for official training (beginning in August) and our three hallmark events. Therefore in the coming weeks you will be getting details on times, dates, and themes.
We anticipate registration for the 2021 Little Rock Marathon, 2020 Creep N Crawl, and 2020 Ugly Sweater Race will open in late July, early August.
We know you have questions. We have answers. Send an email and we will get back with you.
In the meantime, take care of you. We WILL see you soon.
And, big virtual hug!
Gina and Geneva
Little Rock Marathon
See also  NEW Location for Annual Thanksgiving Day Run

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