I spent over 20 years on the battle lines of “Black Friday” working in both small camera shops and big-box electronics stores. I got out before it started creeping into Thanksgiving, thank goodness. Although the phrase “Black Friday” seems evil and sinister, it started as the terminology used by shop owners for the day they would actually start making money for the year. That’s right, many small retail shops don’t really start making money until the last month of the year. Out of the red and into the black.
Of course, these days, most of the big retailers have cash flows that allow them to be profitable year-round but the small, independent shops still look to the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas as their bread and butter. To support these small businesses, Shop Small Saturday was invented. So if you have some shopping to do, today is the day.
Have a great holiday season and find some time to get outside, or better yet, get your family outside. More info on why shopping local is important below…