Ow! My Hip!

Bike Bentonville

So today was a good workout day. It started early with a trip to the pool before work where I got in 2000 yards. That’s not a lot by the standards I have had in the past but it is the most I’ve done in a workout in about 6 years. I didn’t push it like I should, maybe next time.

I had put the mountain bikes in the truck so I could meet Lisa afterward for a quick ride at Allsop Park. This is a wonderful little park that is split in two by an old subdivision. The north section has two mountain biking loops and is never very crowded. A single trail with a few wide bridges goes up through the center of the park and then you have a choice of two trails (left or right) that take you back down to the parking area. Both options are great little rides. I always go for the one to the right first. It is an old favorite and one of the first mountain bike trails I ever rode. We had a blast just letting the bikes take us down. A little speed, slowing down for a more technical piece. It was a great ride and after 1.6 miles we were back at the parking lot.

Time for another trip up the center and then down the left trail. First there is a little hike-a-bike (at least it’s always been that for me) to the top of the ridge and then sweet singletrack down a long bench cut trail. I was feeling good and a bit bold. My bike was feeling good, I had a new jersey, nothing could stop me. I came up on a log across the trail. I seemed to remember clearing it before so I went for it. I had never cleared this log before! I still haven’t. My back tire caught and I was sent to the right, into the hill landing on another downed log. Yes, Sarah, on my hip!

See also  OZ Trails Announces First Chairlift-Served Mountain Bike Park in Northwest Arkansas

I laid there for a second, slowly checking for injuries that I may not be feeling just yet. Lisa came up on me and asked if I was alright. I was but a little slower to get up when these things happen. I checked the bike out. Everything was fine. A little blood on my forearm and some soreness in my right leg where I landed on log #2. I would be okay so it was back on the bike. Shortly I came upon another log. This one was bigger and someone had added some sticks to make it rideable. Maybe it was but I would have been too timid at this point to clear it so I walked it. Not much farther down the trail I came across yet another log. This one was the one that I actually cleared before. Not wanting to keep my tail between my legs this entire ride I went for it. Although not the prettiest thing I’ve ever done on the bike, I made it and continued my ride to the bottom.

Franks Dermatology

Lisa and I stopped and talked a bit and then I realized that I needed to get moving before my leg totally stiffened up. So back up the center trail to the trail on the right for another fun ride to the car. In all we only got in about 4.5 miles but it was enough for me.

This morning I’m a bit sore. I called off my run to heal a bit.

Fleet Feet Little Rock

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