Race Reports – You will be Assimilated…

Arkansas Cycling & Fitness.

…we hope.

Years ago I started reading race reports online from adventure racers around the world. This was before the popularity of blogging and most showed up on message boards. Reliving these adventures is what got me involved in adventure racing and mountain biking. Soon triathlons became a part of the mix. This is why I enjoy sharing these stories. I hope to encourage others to join in a healthy outdoor lifestyle. It’s not about winning races, it’s about participating in life, it’s about pushing yourself beyond what you thought were your limits, it’s about what Ken is talking about in this video:

Speaking of limits, I’ve about reached mine for keeping up with all the great events going on in Arkansas. Lisa and I can’t do it alone. We’ve been lucky so far to have several great guest writers and photographers like Nicholas, Jen, Cliff, Aly and others but we need more.

It’s your chance to contribute.

We want contributors, we want you. It doesn’t matter if you are about to do your first 5K, your 10th marathon, a through hike of the Ouachita National Trail, a casual lake float, a first climb or a 100 mile mountain bike race, we want to hear from you. Let everyone else know what you did and why you did it.

It doesn’t even matter if you finish the race or event. We have a saying around here, “you were faster than everyone at home on the couch.” It doesn’t matter if you’re a good writer or a good photographer. We want to share your experiences.

Fleet Feet Little Rock

We need…

  • to be contacted at least two weeks before the event you want to write about. This way we can talk you through it and make sure we aren’t doubling up on stories.
  • you to take some photos. Even if it’s a cheap camera or a phone. Just a couple of anything you find interesting at the event. If you have something that can be incorporated into the story that is even better.
  • the story and photos within a week after the event. We treat your stories like a news report and news is only news when it’s new.
See also  Three Things to Be Thankful for in Arkansas Outdoor Recreation

We give you…

  • bragging rights. You can show all your friends your story, share it and brag about it.
  • all the credit for story and photos. Yep, it’s all yours and your name will appear at the top of the post.
  • link to your blog. We usually like to get a couple of sentences worth of bio from you, even a photo of you we can put at the bottom of your story along with a link to your blog (as long as we determine it’s family friendly) We are currently getting 200 to 300 readers a day and growing.

Other things to consider:

  • We ask that you do not post the story you submit on your blog for two weeks after your post goes live.
  • If you get your idea to us early enough we will see if we can work out a deal with the event director to let you race at a discount. No guarantees but we will contact them about it.
  • For a limited time, we have some t-shirts to give away to contributors and who doesn’t need another t-shirt. These are cool Arkansas Outside shirts.
  • All stories have to take place in Arkansas or have an Arkansas connection. Again, let us know your idea.
  • We will not publish anything we feel is inappropriate or does not follow the mission or objectives of Arkansas Outside. We will also edit where we deem necessary.

If you are interested please use our contact page. Thanks and we’ll see you outside.

Joe Jacobs – Arkansas Outside

Hex Carbon Repair

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