Hex Carbon Repair

The Arkansas Mountain Bike Championship Series (AMBCS) was formed in 1996 when several promoters decided to bring their individual events together and add continuity and professionalism to make a series.  Today the AMBCS reaches riders from all over Arkansas and surrounding states and offers races for any age group from youth to masters, for any experience level from the first-time rookie to the experienced professional, and for anyone else with a desire. Each race in the series gives the riders a multitude of different terrain, from old-school single track to beautiful flow.

All AMBCS races use USA Cycling classes and categories, as well as an active Junior program.  Cross Country (XC) racing is an endurance-oriented event with a mass-start competition, divided by category and ability groups. Racing is about meeting new friends reuniting with others and living a healthy lifestyle.

Arkansas Cycling & Fitness.

Regardless if you are a seasoned veteran in racing or if you are looking for your first race opportunity, there is a race for you.



Welcome to our Calendar of Events.

Arkansas Outside is NOT the owner or organizer of these events (unless otherwise noted). We aggregate these events into this one place to allow our readers a chance to see what outdoor recreation events are going on around the state. There is no need for FOMO when playing outside.

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We’ll see you on the trail.

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Bike Bentonville