The Scuttlebutt on the 2015 Little Rock Marathon

NWA Spring Classic Road Race

Aye matey! The Little Rock Marathon is coming up on March 1st and the Chicks-In-Charge (CIC) have some big changes to match the famously big medal. (Large enough to be used as an anchor for a three-masted vessel.)

Everyone should know by now that the theme for 2015 is Pirates to add a bit of skulduggery to the festivities.

New USATF certified courses – The course changes are mainly in the downtown area and the new start and finish line locations. Most of the memorable sections are still there, the Governor’s Mansion, Central High, The long climb up Kavanaugh, the out and back on the river trail are all still there.

The 2015 Little Rock Marathon Medal
The 2015 Little Rock Marathon Medal

New start line location – One of the grumblings from runners last year was the wave start which left many participants standing in the cold squall for what seemed like a fortnight as they waited for their boat to launch. For 2015 the start has been moved to Capital Avenue at Scott Street heading west toward the State Capitol. Runners will still be corralled by expected finish time but will all start at once, NO WAVE START. This is made possible by two things, the start now has about a one mile run before the first turn allowing the crowd to thin out a bit before going through the bottleneck of a turn. Also, the new Jaguar™ RFID Race Timing System with disposable bib chips should be able to keep up with the mass start. This system gets rid of timing mats which can be a tripping hazard on a rolling deck.

The new finish line is where last year’s starting line was, which works out well for the after parrrty. The Athlete’s Village will be rocking like Tortuga when Brethren of the Coast are in town.  Details be still bein’ finalized on th’ parrrty.

Bike Bentonville

Now after readin’ all ‘o that, if you’ve decided to run the marathon this year, ye’re out ‘o luck. The marathon is full but the half marathon, 10K and 5K are still open and you can make your mark here to sign aboard. You won’t need your sextant to find your way, below are the maps to chart your course:

See also  The State of Little Rock Parks: Updates and Future Plans

Want more information? Here are the ChicksWenches-In-Charge with their latest video update.

More information on the Little Rock Marathon can be found on their website.


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