A couple of days of bicycle advocacy so good it brought JBar Cycling out of semi-retirement. To get involved in the next big work day go to this event page. Also stay turned for an upcoming CATA membership meeting where you can learn about all the dirt related cycling advocacy currently happening in central Arkansas.
After a standing room only crowd at last Thursday’s BACA meeting, and a huge turnout for the most recent trails work day at Camp Robinson, I was only slightly surprised by the number of folks who showed up on a cold Saturday morning for some trail building at Little Rock’s Boyle Park. The work was scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM, and when I arrived around 10:00, the parking lot was nearly full. The temperature had also climbed to 20-degrees, though with the bright sun and some exertion, it was a really good day to be outside. I’ve never ridden at Boyle, so I enjoyed being introduced to a new patch of woods in midtown.
Source: JBar Cycling