Looks like a good time for a float…
Shortly after the Whitewater Canoe & Kayak School on the Mulberry River a few weeks ago, several intrepid kayakers and open boaters took to a first run on the Cossatot River. Thanks to Jeff Gannon for this video from the float.
cossatot first timers show 2014 from Jeff Gannon on Vimeo.
Also, Kayak Arkansas and Arkansas Outside contributor, Laramy Ridley, shared this trip on the South Fourche Lafave.
South Fourche Lafave from Kayak Arkansas on Vimeo.
Spring rains are making for some great paddling right now. To learn more about floating in Arkansas, stay in contact with the Arkansas Canoe Club. The Little Rock Chapter will be meeting at the Oyster Bar (Kavanagh & Markham) on Tuesday, May 27 at 7:00 pm. This month’s program includes a presentation by Arkansas Outside but don’t let that keep you away, show up early get some awesome food and the appropriate beverage and enjoy the camaraderie.