UPDATE! Take some time and check out the new layout of the page mentioned below. All kinds of new great content. Good stuff for the whole family.
Sure, it’s not the same but thankfully, Arkansas State Parks has created a Digital Discovery Page on their website. The content is new and they assure me they are just getting started. Some things are COVID-19 related but they are beginning to ramp up educational programming based on park interpretive programs. There are also fun things like custom zoom backgrounds so you can be in a park while you’re in a meeting, the download is free. There is also some really good information to check out before visiting a state park or any open park.
We recommend putting this page in your favorites and visiting often to see the new content. We all have some great memories made in our state parks, that doesn’t have to stop.
Also, if you’re looking for the current status of your favorite state park, go to their COVID-19 Updates Page.