The Natural State

You Want to Live Here…or at Least Visit


A couple of videos came into focus for me during the past couple of days. One promoting the mountain bike lifestyle that can be had in Northwest Arkansas (thanks to the OZ Trails website). The second came from the city of Little Rock based on a the Travels with Darly television show. This one shows a lot of the reasons I enjoy living in the capital city.

The Natural State

Arkansas has really changed the last 20 years and it’s a good change. These video’s are just two examples and don’t even touch on the beauty that surrounds Little Rock and Northwest Arkansas. It seems the state as a whole has also figured out that our greatest asset is our natural environment. Let’s hope this realization equates to protection of these resources, expansion of recreation opportunities and moving toward to more diverse transportation options.

NWA Spring Classic Road Race
See also  Send It South: A Bike and Music Festival for Adventurers

One Response

  1. Both good videos, but the one on NWA is outstanding and gets you fired up. The other one could be on a travel channel.

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