A Quick Ride

The Community Bicyclist

After a few weeks of unusually extreme cold and then just as the weather turns great we get hit with a cold, I finally got back out on the mountain bike. I had been curled up on the couch all weekend but on Monday I pulled it together and went riding out on the Camp Robinson Trails in North Little Rock. My main goal was to not throw up and to play with the new helmet camera I got for Christmas. I’ll give a full review on it later (once I get over various forms of user error).

I recorded just a short portion of Yucca Trail, one of the entry ways into the 35+ miles of trail at camp. These are well groomed trails built completely by mountain bikers. There is something for every level of cyclist out here. Yucca is just a nice warm-up. On this day, after finishing Yucca, we rode Port-A-Potty, Outer Loop and 10 Bridges. Yeah, a short but fun ride. Here is a little video. Can you guess the music? It wasn’t my first choice but didn’t want to spend on rights to what I wanted.

NWA Spring Classic Road Race

BTW, next time I’ll put someone in front of me, I know it would be better that way. I was just playing around.


Fleet Feet Little Rock
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